“Story Selling” by Andrea Fontana is a small paper truth.

We buy stories when we vote for our politicians. We buy stories when we buy products. We buy stories when we let ourselves be seduced by a brand. […] Anyone who wants to generate attention, be remembered, influence an audience – within saturated markets – must know the techniques of storytelling. To look for work. For the reputation. To place products. To get elected. To beat the crisis of confidence. To generate membership …

True, very true: how to get noticed in an abundantly saturated market? Why should the customer choose your small business, rather than another? We are many, too many.

Everyone wants, by necessity or will, to make their voice heard, to point out their qualities, to make their products known; but in a market so incredibly full of everything you can imagine and desire, in recent years the #storytelling trend has increased more and more, which then inevitably turned into storyselling.

To sell you have to “sell”:

you have to tell and tell, bewitch, fascinate, excite.
They call it customer engagement.

Practically a conquest made in words, a sort of strategic seduction, which more and more frequently goes beyond the mere description of the product or service in question, but is intertwined and mixed with the personal and private life of the seller, the professional, the one who is in charge of the sale.

Talking about the product is no longer enough because there are too many products. It is no longer enough even to glorify it or describe it as the supreme and indispensable good for your daily life (even if it is clearly not true). To sell we have to sell our stories, share our past experiences, our visions, sometimes even our dreams.

Our products are becoming prosthetics of ourselves.

Where is the limit between what we humanly are and what we professionally do?

“Story Selling” by Andrea Fontana is a little paper truth and, sometimes, the truth hurts.

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